We are many things, but most importantly we offer a design service that can help with the complete project. The raw land is the most important place to start as the siting of the driveway and house are the first step, and in doing this, one needs to have a vision of the entire project before the first machine rolls in. This has been our forte for almost forty years since the first six level cliff house I built in Colorado. If you have an interesting piece of property we would love to take a look.

We have a small millwork shop in an antique apple barn that raises three stories out of a brook that in the day was used to power the complex. Even though small we can produce quite a volume of work including all kinds of casework, stair systems, flooring and the list goes on, as it's set up perfectly for a small team, dedicated to just this task. Every piece of wood in the Green River House that is exposed went through this shop. We also have a huge supply of antique reclaimed wood for these projects.